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Ne T'enfuis pas

From: (Bryan Dongray)
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 00:15:26 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Ne T'enfuis pas
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In-Reply-To: <> from "Wieland Willker" at Jan 18, 96 01:03:41 pm

Maybe I can help out,

> 1. Make an as accurate translation as possible.

Here's what I've collected {avec translation}:

Ne T'enfuis pas {Don't Fly Away} 

	Je viens {I am coming}
	Comme un chat {Like a cat}
	Par la nuit si noire. {Through the night so black.}
	Tu attends, {You are waiting,}
	Et je tombe {And I fall}
	Dans tes ailles blanches, la-la-la.. {your white Into wings, la-la-la..}
	Et je vole, {And I fly,}
	Et je coule {And I sink}
	Comme une plume. {Like a feather.}

		Si les grands yeux de mon Dieu {If the great eyes of my God}
		Ne me gardaient pas, {Were not watching (over) me,}
		Je te volerais {I would steal you away.}

	Ne t'enfuis pas! {Don't fly away!}
	Tu as des ailes, {You have wings,}
	Le pouvoir de me quitter. {The power to leave me.}
	Tu es tombe {You fell}
	Du ciel comme un ange, la-la-la {From the sky like an angel, la-la-la}
	Et j'ai peur {And I'm afraid}
	Que le ciel {That the sky}
	Te reprenne. {Will take you back.}

		Si les grands yeux de mon Dieu {If the great eyes of my God}
		Ne me gardaient pas, {Weren't watching (over) me,}
		Je te volerais. {I would steal you away.}

	Je viens {I am coming}
	Comme un chat {Like a cat}
	Par la nuit si noire. {Through the night so black.}

		Je t'en prie, {I beg you,}
		Je t'en prie, {I beg you,}
		Je t'en prie, {I beg you,}
		Je t'en prie, {I beg you,}
		Je t'en prie, {I beg you,}
		Je t'en prie-- {I beg you--}
		Ne t'enfuis {Don't fly}
		Pas! {Away!}

For my basic school room French, it seems fairly correct, but some
of the details might be not *just* right. I also think there is a
typo on the French spelling of "wings".

> 2. Explain the meaning of the song. 

Clearly (ha ha), it is someone not wishing their partner to leave them,
note the use of the second person singular (very personal thing to do).

>    Discuss it.

It full of metaphores and analogies (as ever with good song lyrics).

> There are very few clues as to who is singing, and who they are singing to.
> Is the "narrator" a male or female? 

Isn't it fairly common for a "cat" to be considered female?

On a related issue, I find myself sometimes singing the French version
of "The Infant Kiss", when I hear the English, I'll also have to say
some of the French lines fit better than the English (and vice versa).
This is one of my favourites songs (both versions), but I always think
the English words "Something'll happen I'll regret" are not sung in time,
perhaps I'm just picky, "Je le regretterais" fits far better too,

Au revoir!

			Bryan Dongray