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Re: Ne T'enfuis pas

From: (Stephane Jantzen)
Date: 19 Jan 1996 11:45:30 GMT
Subject: Re: Ne T'enfuis pas
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Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL
References: <>

: > 1. Make an as accurate translation as possible.
: > 2. Explain the meaning of the song. 

Here is the straight translation of "Ne t'enfuis pas" from French to English.
This has been submitted by one of you, whose e-email address has been crushed 
by my mail-reader, so I post that here

-------------------			----------------------
Ne T'enfuis pas 			Don't run away (0) (1)
(Kate Bush)				(Kate Bush)
-------------------			----------------------

 Je viens 				I am coming
 Comme un chat 				Like a cat
 Par la nuit si noire. 			In the night so black.
 Tu attends, 				You're waiting,
 Et je tombe 				And I'm falling
 Dans tes ailes blanches, la-la-la...	Into your white wings, la-la-la... 
la-la-la...				la-la-la...
 Et je vole, 				And I'm flying, (3)
 Et je coule 				And I'm sinking
 Comme une plume.			Like a feather.

      Si les grands yeux de mon Dieu 	If my God's great eyes
      Ne me gardaient pas, 		Were not watching over me, (2)
      Je te volerais 			I would steal you (3)

 Ne t'enfuis pas! 			Don't run away! (1)
 Tu as des ailes, 			You've got wings,
 Le pouvoir de me quitter. 		The power to leave me.
 Tu es tombe 				You have fallen
 Du ciel comme un ange, la-la-la 	From the sky like an angel, la-la-la
 Et j'ai peur 				And I'm afraid
 Que le ciel				That the sky 
 Te reprenne. 				Could take you back.

      Si les grands yeux de mon Dieu 	If my God's great eyes
      Ne me gardaient pas, 		Were not watching over me, (2)
      Je te volerais. 			I would steal you (3)

 Je viens 				I coming 
 Comme un chat 				Like a cat
 Par la nuit si noire. 			In the night so black.

           Je t'en prie, 		I beg you,
           Je t'en prie, 		I beg you,
           Je t'en prie, 		I beg you,
           Je t'en prie, 		I beg you,
           Je t'en prie, 		I beg you,
           Je t'en prie--		I beg you,  
           Ne t'enfuis 			Don't run away (1)

(0) When translated in English, everybody will notice the similarity with
    "The Morning Fog" : "I'm falling/Like a storm/Like a stone/Being born again/
    Into the sweet morning fog"

(1) "Don't run away" is the litteral transcription for "Ne t'enfuis pas". You 
    can see further in the text that "Don't fly away" is much more appropriate.

(2) "garder" is subtly used here : "garder" means "keep" in its straightest
    translation, but also means "watch over". "regarder" which is quite close,
    means "look". That would be a good example of typo : "gardaient" instead of
    "regardaient", but this is not a typo at all.

(3) Funny play on words : both "steal" and "fly" are translated in French as 

             Stephane JANTZEN -
    French Student in Computer Engineering School looking for a placement in 
                     <<< MINNESOTA >>>. Just mail me !