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Re: Web Page: The Garden

From: 32 flavors and then some <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 19:16:20 -0500
Subject: Re: Web Page: The Garden

stev0's review reminded me to tell you all that i finally added the
first slew of interviews from volume 3 of "the garden" to the web page. is the place.
go forth and browse. (stev0) sez:

>What Woj so far has HTMLized he's done a smashing
>top-notch excellent job.  

well, kinda. there are some html goof-ups in there since i started
working on these pages long before i really began to understand the
point of the web and html and i have not yet gone back to fix them.
there is also the problem of a lack of consistent appearance as i was
toying with minimal layout as i went along to. as i think i've
mentioned before, once i finish all the conversion, i'll go back and
address these issues.

there is also the question of graphics. it's not really an issue for me
since i am still living in vt100-land and am completely enthralled by
lynx. i suppose at some point in the future, i'll make the pages a bit
more graphically appealling, but that's really far down on the priority
list. (however, if someone with a good text-setting program wants to
come up with a nifty-looking title banner, please do get in touch with

>Unfortunately, he never got
>around to HTMLizing the most important part:  The lyrics!

yeah, yeah...with the lyrics available on the love-hounds archive
site, spending loads of time to do the lyrics (which it would take)
didn't seem like the most (ahem) value-added effort. bryan dongray's
lyrics update is sitting in a dusty file somewhere and i plan on 
incorporating that into "the garden" eventually.

>There are now other pages that have them, or you can
>just ftp them (even directly from Woj's page), so it's not
>THAT big a deal, but still...

see! :P ;)

>Another favorite part of The Garden is Peter Fitzgerald-
>Morris's chronology of Kate (heavily annotated by IED),
>and an amazingly complete discography. Unfortunately, 
>Woj was a bit too literal in his webbifying it, and didn't do 
>even a brief update, so Kate's career is shown as 
>mysteriously ending early 1990.

good point. that much i (or ied or some other enterprising love-hound)
should spend the time to update, even if only sketchily.

>Still, there is more than enough here to keep the rabid
>KateFan(tm) busy for hours:  

half of the fun of webifying "the garden" was getting to read it
closely all over again. everyone who considers themself a KaTe scholar
should study and know the material that is taken from the kbc
newsletters - most of what ied and |>oug and chris and others rattle
off comes directly from those pages.

>However, out in this "Garden", it's only half of a  heaven.

hah hah. if nothing else, stev0's reviews get use KaTewebfolks off our
asses and working on those sites. hats off to him for that.
