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From: Garrick Twinney <>
Date: 6 Dec 94 22:12:12 GMT
Subject: Love at first Kate
Organization: University of Plymouth
Priority: normal
Hello all, As everyone is recounting their first Kate experiances I thought I'd do like wise. Firstly let me say that 19 months ago I would not of been able to name a single KateSong ( no, not even WH or RUTH) and then it all happened... Being a student I am not normally in the habit of buying albums that I do not know as I can't really afford to buy (with CD prices being what they are) an album that I'll rarely listen to but I just got the idea that I might like this Kate Bush character and so (on a whim) I brought 'Never Forever'. I took it home and played, not really knowing what to expect and up until that point I would never of believed that anything could of had that effect on me. I listened to the album over and over throughout that evening and over the next day or three brought the rest of the studio albums. Then came the singles collecting, Homeground, the videos and most recently Love Hounds. Nothing before had ever effected me in this way, I had never felt emotions before and through Kate's music I have met some wonderful people without whom I feel I would be at a complete loss. Thankyou.... 'We all share the same air' - Kate Bush Garrick Twinney G7LFW@GB7AKE.#44.GBR.EUGarrick Twinney. E-mail : A.X25 : G7LFW@GB7PAB.#44.GBR.EU