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Re: c

Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 12:19:49 +1000
Subject: Re: c
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET
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I can't believe that I'm adding to this thread but I CAN'T let this go by...

In article <>, (Richard
Caldwell x2206) sez...
>In article <>, (Mikael
>Jakonen) writes:
>> >In <> af545@FreeNet.Carleton.CA
>> > (Ryan Lythall) writes:
>> >
>> >>33
>> >
>> >42
>> When I read this I got this kind of wierd feeling I missed something...
>> Since it's obviously the answer to a question, I wonder: What was the 
>> Question???
>The question was: What is the meaning of life, the universe and

    <bzztt> It was the ULTIMATE question, the question of life, the universe
and everything. To which the answer is 42. Once you know what the question is
you'll understand what the answer means. The way I figure it, it would take the
combined total of everyone here in r.m.g ohhh... about 10 million years to
figure it out. Then again.. maybe we already have! ;-)

               :  Graham Dombkins
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      "Hello Earth!!                    "I'm chasing nuns
       hello Earth..." - KT              out in the yard..." - TA