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The Dreaming

Date: 26 Jul 93 21:02:59
Subject: The Dreaming
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Priority: normal

Fellow Gaffans,

    I must disagree with those of you who consider "The Dreaming" to
be Kate's best album. I am a true Katefan who is not afraid to say
that after listening to this album many, many, many times, I am still
not hooked. Not at all. I believe that we must be clear-headed when
judging Kate's artistry if we wish to earn her respect. She deserves
no less.

    Instead of being a model of originality and innovation, "The
Dreaming" is just strange/weird and uninspiring.
    For example, in "Houdini", the irrelevant pauses/gaps seem to be
an attempt to extend an already lengthy song for the sole purpose of
filling up time.
    "There Goes A Tenner" has a simplistic, disappointing melody. It
sounds like a tune from a Broadway musical - corny and silly.
    Why, I ask, are the moving words of "All The Love" sung with a
spastic tone? What happened to that enchanting voice that is Kate?
    As for "Get Out Of My House", what's with the mule? It seems as
though Kate said, "Let's see what's the strangest thing I can come up
with for this song." It just sounds stupid.

    As for those of you who believe that "The Dreaming" "denies the
reality" of all other albums and that one must "breathe in its all-
holy vapors", it seems that you will soon be moving to Waco, Texas to
assume the leadership of the Kate Bushians sect. Get a grip, people.
I shall pray for you.

    As a true Katefan, I am here to proclaim that, without a doubt,
"Hounds of Love" was, is and forever will be Kate's best album. It is
the best demonstration of the artistry and pure genius of the
greatest chanteuse of our time.

    To those of you whom I've offended, I'm sorry, but the truth had
to be stated.

Shawn Redoak