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My "First Time"

From: (ronald hill)
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 92 14:21:18 PST
Subject: My "First Time"
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Comments: Cloudbuster
Organization: NetRunner's Paradise BBS, San Diego CA

        Well, the bi-yearly "how did you get into Kate" question has 
come up!  Just the other day I actually found the receipt for the very 
first Kate Bush CD I ever bought - THE WHOLE STORY.  The date was Aug 
28, 1987.  I bought it during a trip to LA with a friend of mine.  I 
had just that CD for a year or two, and really loved it, though I 
didn't know anything about her or the songs.  Actually, I didn't even 
think she was particullary attractive at the time, since I've never 
really though she looked attractive in the album shots. 
        Eventually I started picking up more and more albums, but never 
got as heavy into them as I did THE WHOLE STORY.  I saw the "WHOLE 
STORY" book at a local place and picked it up.  This was really the 
first time I had read anything significant about her.  What really got 
to me was the description of THE NINTH WAVE.  I got so excited about it 
that I couldn't sleep and couldn't wait to go home (I was spending the 
night where I do  my volunteer work at).  I rushed out at like five in 
the morning and put it on, and I haven't been the same since.  :-) 

        For those who arn't handy with the calender, we're coming up on 
two years since the convention, later this week.  I'll probably post my 
(actually, mainly IED's) newly updated convention transcript, for those 
that haven't read it.  

        Thanks to Kimberly for the classical music info.  THanks to Uli 
for the "mop" info. 

        Oh, I talked to Andrew Marvick yesterday.  He was very excited 
about Homeground being on, though he still isn't sure when he would be 
able to get on.  He's still working on his school, though he's hoping 
that we'll all be getting together for an "album party" soon! 


--- (ronald hill)
NetRunner's Paradise BBS, San Diego CA