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From: Richard Jennings <hpda!hpcea!hplabs!hpopd!richi@uunet.UU.NET>
Date: Wed, 10 May 89 17:17:45 BST
Subject: TfF

Duane Day assumes my ignorance (thanks, Duane):

>>TfF a serious rock act? -- hmmmm.

> At the risk of earning TfF a set of IED quotation marks, I'd suggest that
> First impressions notwithstanding, I think you'll find that TfF is definitely
> not Wham!.

	I do happen to possess both TfF albums and used to own a copy of 
	the _Scenes'_ video (before some b*st*rd broke into my house and
	stole it, that is...).  My comment was meant to be read as my
	*opinion*, and it was contributed to the group only because I
	thought I knew enough of their stuff to have a valid one!  Do we
	really have to explicitely mark all our opinions as such in this 
	group now? (perhaps we should have the opinions' equivalent of 
	smileys -- suggestions anyone??).

> a pity that the marketing machine has attempted with some success to
> establish them in the public mind as just another Brit-pop duo.

	I can't speak for how they've been sold in the US, as I'm British...

> is that they were asked not to dwell on their more serious influences
> such as Arthur Janov (the psychologist who came up with Primal Scream
> therapy - also a major influence on John Lennon and others) so as not to

	This all smacks of rather tacky pretension to my eyes.

> Now, where did I leave that asbestos jumpsuit? :-)

	Why, what were you planning to do with it? 8-)

Greg (G.T.) Ward chips in:

> However, their first album, "The Hurting", is brilliant 

	Ho hum.
