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RE: Stuff

From: len bullard <>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 18:27:30 -0500
Subject: RE: Stuff
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Organization: Blind Dillo

Chris of C&V:

>Usually reliable sources have described Kate's leaving school as
>"dropping out". 

> Does this render Kate vulnerable to being labeled an "airhead"?

If we dug around, we would probably find some equivalents 
from the late seventies.  Her quotes of the time seemed 
deliberately aimed at promoting the 'vapid sex kitten' 
image.  As I recall, she detested it, but before the 
days of the Internet, I and a friend of mine had to 
work like hell to get enough interview material and 
other resources to figure out exactly where Kate  
was coming from.  So, it isn't hard to get a rep as 
an airhead in the media of that day, or any day.  I know 
people in the business who went straight from the 
'vapid sex kitten' to 'strange weird witch' without 
skipping to consider the quality of the construction of 
Kate's music, the scope of the content of her lyrics, 
the perfection of her recording technique, the emotional 
depth of her performance... in other words, the 
f**king brilliance of her work.  They saw what they 
wanted to see or what they COULD see, and they believed it, 
and they repeated it.

It takes a long time and a lot of effort for 
"mere mitra" to become "mere dost".  One has to work 
at it.  I'm glad I had a friend to help me, (lost her), 
and I'm glad I could see what was behind the hype. 
I'm just glad I found Kate.  She gave me courage. 
How rare, how wonderful, and how weird she really is.
If folks need to compare others to her, let them, 
because she is incomparable.
