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Re: My failed attempt

From: "boots" <more@more.more>
Date: 14 Sep 1997 21:47:41 GMT
Subject: Re: My failed attempt
Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services
References: <01bcc0a9$1566dcc0$>
Reply-To: "boots" <>

Well, maybe, and this is no criticism of you, but maybe Kate just isn't her
kind of music.
I happen to like Violent Femmes (although they seem to pride themselves on
having no musical talent whatesoever, they ARE  incredibly energetic and
anti-establishment). I do think that Kate is usually an acquired taste.
Honestly, my first impression of Kate (hearing Moving) was, what speed is
that record on?

After I found out it was on the right speed, I instantly became hooked.

I think that perhaps older Kate would have come closer (like Hammersmith),
but I always consider music something like religion, and I never try to
convert someone to my belief.  Luckily, most everyone I've played Kate
around, including my mother, liked it after a while, and a few have become
just as devoted as I am.  

Besides, Kate being a pseudo-secret has always struck me as a good thing.
Imagine if she would have been the Madonna of her day, where everybody knew
who she was, and half the people hated her because she got more attention
than she (in their minds) deserved. The wonderful part of the way Kate's
carreer has gone is that she's made enough money at it to keep doing it.
Also, you can tell that she really loves what she does, has control over
it, and keeps getting better.

Considering TLTCTC, and especially her dancing, I can definitely see her
being, one day, the grand old lady of music. That should be enough to make
up for every time a fan of hers tried unsuccessfully to do missionary work.
Because, if we all told two friends and they told two friends and so on, it
might easily burn her out and make her want to give up what she's doing. 

Oh dear, didn't mean to go off on a ramble like that. I'll just sut here in
the corner and fish out the old dunce cap again.


KR <> wrote
> Last week I was killing time at work, I mean having a meeting at work,
> a co-worker and the subject of music and Kate came up.  My co-worker was
> not familiar with Kate so I thought - "Here is my chance to do some
> missionary work!"  The next day I brought in "The Line, the Cross & the
> Curve" for her to see.  At lunch she took it into the conference room (we
> have a TV-VCR in there) and I went out to get some lunch.
> I got back and was eating at my desk when she came into my office with
> tape, looked at me and said, "Artists!" , rolled her eyes and left. 
> I was dumbfounded.
> When I could manage to get up from my chair I went to her office to try
> talk to her.  She then tried to get me to listen to The Violent Femmes. 
> (They sounded like the Ramones hopped up on estrogen to me.)  I haven't
> talked to here since.
> Anyone else had a terrible experience like this?  I mean, I tried!