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RE: Billboards

From: Len Bullard <>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 08:22:56 -0500
Subject: RE: Billboards
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Organization: Blind Dillo
Sender: owner-love-hounds (Neal Mulvenna)

> Well, we can sorta blame Len Bullard for this idea, although I 
> guess I was the one to pull it out of all the other bull lard. 

Haven't seen that variation before.  Squeaky gear gets the grease.

It seems so much more polite than rolling her yard or throwing
rocks at her window in late twilight.

> What we need is for someone who lives in Kate's area of England to call 
> up a couple billboard companies and find out how much it would 
> cost, then maybe the discussion could get more serious.

That's the start.  Julian offered if someone could come up 
with her home address.  East Wickham farm would be one place,
although she doesn't live there.  They say she has purchased
a house in Reading.  This likely to require some sleuthing.
I don't think we will get much help here.  The next problem
is deciding if we can send checks to a stranger and what to 
do if the amount received does not equal the cost.  A billboard 
will include space rental and site prep.

>PS, I'd love to visit England myself someday, but when one of my 
>nieces went there last year, she was practically strip searched and 
>detained for hours by Customs folks on her two entries.  Seems a 
>(very!) far-removed relative did something nasty in/for the IRA a 
>few years back....

That explains why you live in Alabama.  The Rebel yell started in the

len bullard