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Kate's Privacy

From: (Len Bullard)
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 14:49:55 -0600
Subject: Kate's Privacy
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Have been away.   Very bad trip on the way back.
Anyone been on a plane that tries to roll over
after a compression stall and almost cracks up when
landing.   I now understand Kate's
reluctance about flying and thank you, yes,
I'll throw up after I get in the car.... oh god....
so that's fear of dieing.....

[Scott Telford]

>East Wickham Farm isn't too hard to track down at 
>all, though whether it could be considered her "home" 
>address is questionable.

True.   Lance Day told me how to do this after
I collected his photos of East Wickham from his
homepage for my VRML world.  Anyone
going there will note a rather hefty privacy
gate, so don't expect the family to come out
and serve tea and KitKats.  If they do,
be really grateful.  ;-)

Privacy:  someone asks if Kate's private life
is up for discussion.  Few here will flame
a lovehound for such a discussion but:

1.  Anyone who knows about her private
life is part of it and never discusses it.

2.  Anyone who discusses it is not
part of her private life.

3. Some of us doubt the credibility of the 

4.  Some of us do care for her even if we are only
fans/syncophants/devoutWorshippers.  So, we
try to give her the respect ANYONE is due which
includes not poking about her private life.  

5.  IMO, it's rude to inquire of Peter and Krys F-M what they 
know beyond the realm of her music and such.  
Yes, the magazine makes it clear that they are
friends of the Bush family.  Peter's presence on 
the list is a real treat.  If he gives out information about
Kate imprudently, he would hurt his friends.  
Not bloody likely.

6. The KBC is the OFFICIAL way to send mail to
Kate Bush.  A very nice lady named Lisa Bradley
will answer.  She's been close to Kate from the early years,
and I believe that's close enough.

7.  Ask yourselves what it would be like to be
on the receiving end.  Kate has said that most
of her fans are quite polite, respectful, intelligent
and that she is very honored that we regard her
as we do.  (We are mad.  We are.  So what?) 
What else could she do beyond that?  TOUR!

Be real.  Be her friend.  Let her be.  OTH, if you run
into her, Wieland has a list of questions for you
to memorize.  ;-)

8.  Look at the cover of  Sensual World.  It says it all.

Len Bullard