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more web shit

From: father bungholio <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 22:22:09 -0500
Subject: more web shit
Organization: <a href="">wojpage</a> (Douglas Alan) sez:
>Actually, anyone who can FTP can WWWeb.  Even if you don't have a
>graphics display, you can use the program "lynx", which is an
>ascii-only WWWeb client.

provided that the systems people have installed lynx on the machine
in question or one is skilled enough to install themselves. in any
event, the point is moot: if a love-hounds listing was created, it
would first and foremost be a text document available vis ftp or a
mail-based file server. the html version would be the secondary form.

which reminds me: stev0, i think it was, was asking about a html
version of ied's _the garden_. has anyone started working on such a
thing? if not, i'd be happy to do so.
 |< <a href="">better than fish</a>