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the mule sounds

From: (GS-13e Van E. Smith;USAFE CSS/PRC;480-6690;DEROS)
Date: Mon Jan 23 19:24:35 1995
Subject: the mule sounds
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET

excerpt from the Doug Allen interview with Kate Bush, printed in
Break-through #9 (1986):

Kate:   ".....I mean, a mule - in our country - all it represents
is a stupid animal.  They are considered *stupid*.  And that's the
allusion that was being used in that case.  And it's very much a 
play on a traditional song called "The Two Magicians" about
someone who's trying to escape someone, and they keep changing
their form in order to escape them.  But the other thing keeps
changing its form.  And that's actually what the whole song is
about - someone who is running away from something they don't want
to face, but wherever they go, the thing will follow them.  Basically,
you can't run away from things - you've got to confront things.  And
it's using the person as the imagery of a house, where they won't
let anyone in, they lock all the doors and windows, and put a guard
on the front door...."
 Kate goes on to reference  the movie Pinocchio, specifically, the
scene where one of the little boys turns into a donkey, or mule.
