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Re: First Kate Song

From: Marion Kippers <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 17:21:26 +0100
Subject: Re: First Kate Song
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Hi all,

Somebody (sorry, News got rid of the message before I could save
it...) wrote:

>What was the first song of hers that you heard, that caused you
>to get interested in her music?

I've been a fan of Kate ever since the very first time I heard
"Wuthering Heights" way back in January 1978. I probably heard
it quite often on the radio, but I remember most seeing it on
television in the Dutch "TopPop" show a couple of times. 

Then, not long after that, I heard my neighbour play something
by her, but it wasn't the single. So I went over to him and asked
him "Do you have an other record by Kate Bush?" and he said "Yes,
I've got the album. You can borrow it if you like", and he went
over to the turntable, stopped the record and put it in my hands.
Boy, was I happy! You see, I was not just a little bit in love
with this guy... (well, I was only twelve at the time, and he was
sixteen or so, and it never went anywhere, but that doesn't
matter :) ). Anyway, that was of course "The Kick Inside". I
taped the album right away, on my parents brand new tapedeck, and
as I had never done anything like that before I missed a part of
the title track because I didn't stop the record when I turned
over the tape. :-)
Some time later I had to re-record it anyway as that first tape
had been played to dead. I never bought any albums then simply
because I didn't have any money, and it wasn't until Christmas
(or actually, Sinterklaas) 1981 that I finally got the album as
a present. And now I've got it on CD as well, so I can keep
playing it forever and ever. :-)

"The Kick Inside" still is, and probably always will be, my all
time favourite album by anybody. I grew up with it, it is
connected with my life, and even now, I sometimes still discover
new things somewhere in the album, the music, the lyrics... I can
still hear it as if it's the first time.

So, that's how I first found out about Kate. And this is my first
real post on this newsgroup. And now back to lurking. :)

Best wishes,

Marion Kippers                 Wolters Kluwer Academic Publishers
Automation Department                  Dordrecht, The Netherlands             Now playing: Happy Rhodes, BTC