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From: steve.b@TQS.COM (Steve Berlin)
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 94 12:00:24 PST
Subject: KTV

Last night was Karen's wonderful party screening The Line, The Cross, &
The Curve.

It was a very small gathering - besides Karen & myself, there was the
one and only IED, as well as Lightning1 and Larry Hernandez (it struck
me as ironic that everyone who was there were all also Bay Area Katefans
on AOL.  Maybe I should post it there, but I haven't got my new modem
working (yet); I've been having too much fun with my new CD ROM drive.
But I digress).

Anyway, as a stunning coincidence, that very morning I found a place having
a sale on Fruitopia(!), so I bought two of everything.  (Everyone generally
agreed that it's STILL sugar water.  But actually the Raspberry Lemonade
is pretty good, IMHO).

While waiting for pizza, we sat around chatting about various Kate-related
(and non-Kate related) things, and everyone was making fun of Chris'n'Vickie
(but I wasn't supposed to tell you, so you didn't hear that from me, OK?)

One disspointment - I was going to take IED's photo to model the Lovehounds
shirt, but he wore an elegent black Halloween Party shirt, so they took
my picture instead.  I'll post here after I've developed and scanned them
(should be later this week), if anyone wants to post them somewhere so
folks can download and/or ftp 'em.

We then watched IED's copies of 8 of the Fruitopia ads.  If you took out
the goddamn type, they would actually be quite beautiful.  However, on most
of them, if I didn't know, I would never have guessed it was Kate doing the
music.  Karen then showed 5 of the ads (two which IED didn't have, including
the one they did for movie theatres, which, not surprisingly was the best

Then, our feature presentation - TLTC&TC.  This is my third time seeing it,
and I caught many things I didn't see the first two times - including an
actual, coherent plot.  (I think IED will post later, and will probably do
a better job at it than I could).

Finally, we ended the night watching "Curse of the Demon" (AKA "Night of
the Demon"), the film where Kate got the sample "It's in the trees!  It's
coming!" as well as several visual images for the Hounds of Love video,
as well as a couple she used for TLTC&TC.  Also, there was a scene in there
which was Stanley Kubrick "borrowed" for "The Shining" (which, in turn,
Kate used as partial inspiration for "Get Out of My House").  Also, I finally
now understand the line in the opening song of The Rocky Horror Picture Show,
"Dana Andrews as runes gave him the prunes/and passing them used lots of
skill."  Even the Kate Konnection aside, this is is a great film.  (Then
how come I never saw it before?)  Stev0 sez:  See it!

Actually, driving home was the highlight of the evening for me, 'cause NPR
was playing a re-make of Orson Welle's "War of the Worlds", starring Gates
McFaddin, Brent Spiner, Wil Wheaton(?), and Leonard Limoy(!)

- Stev0 the Model Gaffan

"Life sucks.  Drink Fruitopia."
 - What the Coca Cola company should have done to REALLY appeal to the
   Gen X crowd.