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T-shirt stuff...

From: Michael Hotchin <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 94 11:00:28 TZ
Subject: T-shirt stuff...
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET

Reality check - Nettwerk *only* got involved because the shirt designs,
as presented, *ALL* use copyrighted material.  My understanding is that
using copyrighted material without permission (for example,
copying TLTCTC on the next Tape Tree), is usually considered
to be in poor taste.  Perhaps I was mistaken on this?

	Mike H.

 Date: Tue, 25 Oct 94 01:55 CDT
| From: (chris williams)
| Subject: Re: KT-CD-ROM
| >
| >Will Sony follow up TRS with an "Aspects of The Red Shoes"?
| >
| >Will Sony ever participate in r.m.g. to answer questions?  Offer promos?
| >Ask our opinions on a particular topic?
|    Probably all for the best that they haven't. See the Sarah McLachlin
| list to see the ugly spectacle of a record company "getting involved."
| Nettwerk has decided that they can control things on the net and have
| posted "guidelines" for how the list t-shirt (that they are not paying
| for) will look. This is an ugly direction. Kate would *not* have
| approved of the very fine design of the Love-Hounds shirt. She and Sarah
| both dislike seeing their faces on other people's chests. So they "ruled
| out" any pictures. Screw that.

|                           Chris Williams of
|                              Chris'n'Vickie of Chicago
|                       (his)
|                              (hers)