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Re: Moments of...?pleasure?

From: (G. Timothy Walton)
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 13:41:56 GMT
Subject: Re: Moments of...?pleasure?
Organization: The National Capital FreeNet
References: <Pine.SOL.3.90.941015142242.15251C-100000@bullwinkle> <>
Reply-To: (G. Timothy Walton)
Sender: (Usenet News Admin)

In a previous article, (Danielle Fodor) says:
>On Sat, 15 Oct 1994, G. Timothy Walton wrote:
>> In a previous article, (Mikael Jakonen) says:
>> >I seem to be one of very few who agree with you. While MoP is very well
>> >made, I think its too much sentimental crap. Top of the City isn't one
>> >of my favourites either. WSILY on the other hand is good, and so is 
>> >Constellation of the heart, and Big Stripey Lie too...
>>   Have to disagree with you.  The Red Shoes, when it came out, helped me a
>> lot when I was feeling very down (even for me).  Top of the City and MoP
>> are easily the two songs that helped me most.
>	I agree completely.  Top of the City was the first song on the 
>album to really make me bawl.  It had me crying and shaking and 
>completely a wreck for a number of weeks...and although Moments of 
>pleasure has never made me completely break down, it does make me feel a 
>little bit weak.
>	It seems to me like a lot of people are still looking for faults 
>in the Red Shoes--I admit, when it first came out, it was hard for me to 
>relate to in it's entirety.  But, in that way, it's like all Kate 
>albums...they seem to be easily dismissed, and then to come and jump you 
>from behind when you most need them.  
>	I'd also like to defend You're the ONly One, which seems to get 
>some terrible things said about it from time to time.  It sounds very 
>commercial and expresses very basic sentiments, which can be offputting 
>at times, but the emotions sung about in the song are so obviously and 
>genuinely felt i cannot help but be moved by it.
>kate always,

  Both TotC and MoP deal, to some degree, with death and suicidal urges. 
Seeing the world very darkly, this is the sort of thing I can truly relate
to.  Hearing these was like being able to talk about such things,
something rarely possible for someone like myself.
  I think it's just a matter of different people being able to relate to
different songs.  Rather than a negative thing, it's positive.  It
confirms the variety that makes life so enjoyable.

  "It's all bullshit except the pain, right?
  "Like the burn of a lighted match, increased a million times
  "Infinite.  Now you don't fuck around with the infinite
  "There's no way you can matter"	Shriekback, "Nemesis (Arch-Deviant Mix