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Re: It's The Red Shoes

From: (Mikael Jakonen)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 94 10:34:29 +0200
Subject: Re: It's The Red Shoes
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET
content-length: 1286

 Raymond Pugh <> writes:

>I should take this opportunity to pluck up the courage and say
>that, err.., <sheepish grin>, TRS is the *only* Kate album I have. 
>Yeah, go on, flame away...  I *know* I should buy the rest and I
>will very soon.  It's just that there are so many *good* artists
>around and my funds are not unlimited.  In mitigation, I do have
>some of her singles; does that count?  No; didn't think it did. 
>Sorry! :-)

It's alright. If your funds are limited though, there's only one thing
to do: Buy only Kate Bush records! There are quite a few of them, but
since you already have TRS there are only six more albums that are
"most important"... ;)

I think you should give Hounds of Love the absolutly highest priority.

Mikael Jakonen             Music is like vintage wine. It keeps getting better
                           by the years, if those who made it knew how to make        it right.      

PS if anyone finds any linguistic errors in my .sig please let me know,
   English is not my native language, and I don't want to make a fool of