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From: (Gregg Primm)
Date: 10 Aug 1994 14:39:48 GMT
Subject: Re: Fruitopia / Generation X (was RE: TEST: Please respond)
Organization: IBM Boca Raton
References: <3261lf$> <>
Reply-To: (Gregg Primm)
In <>, (Markku Kolkka) writes: >>>>>> "Gregg" == Gregg Primm <> writes: > > If this is what Gen X is supposed to be about, then I must be a > > very mature (or immature...) 27 year old. Ah, well. > >Generation X? Wasn't that Billy Idol's first band? Somehow I can't see >the connection... Not sure if you were joking, but just in case.... Generation X is the currently-in-style name for the twenty-early- thirty-something generation. Generation X is supposed to be very idealistic and searching for a cause -- somewhat directionless and unfocused. Lots of these "heavy message" commercials (like the Fruitopia ads) that toss around vague, upbeat, peace-and-love soundbites are generally aimed at the "Gen X" viewer. Personally, I think the whole thing is a bunch of hooey, and feel that if anything defines my generation, it is a certian lack of definability (probably because nothing "big" has happened that draws people of a similar age together has happened in the last twenty years -- in America, at least) and a lack of a general philosophy. This is, IMHO, good. Anyhow, Generation X was also Billy Idol's first band, and no, it has nothing to do with the Frutopia ads. Of course, if you were joking, smilies and all that stuff.... Gabriel was fantastic on Letterman last night! Nice new version of Red Rain, and news of a live "Secret World" CD to be released next month. Did Kate do any live appearances with him on the Secret World tour? I know she did appear a couple of times to sing "Don't Give Up" with him on the So tour, but I haven't heard anything regarding the last tour (I didn't even get to see it -- boo hoo). Fingers crossed for live Kate/Peter.... -- Gregg! ******************************************************************** "Gamera is really neat! Gamera is full of meat! We believe in Gamera" -- MST3K ******************************************************************** My opinions, not IBM's.