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...tis I that moan and groaneth

From: WretchAwry <>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 94 1:37:03 EDT
Subject: ...tis I that moan and groaneth
To: kate.;
In-Reply-To: Your message of Fri, 29 Apr 94 1:08:59 EDT
Loves: Kate Bush..Happy Rhodes..Jane Siberry..Tori Amos..Peter Gabriel..

> From: (Peter Byrne Manchester)
>        In all fear and trembling, I'm like to make a suggestion about the 
> current `fox-in-the-FAQ' debate.  First off, it needs to be stipulated that 
> Vickie's observation has *authority*:

No no no, though I thank you for your kind words, I refuse to accept that
my observations about *anything* has authority. (well, maybe wrt Happy
Rhodes :-) but uh...) Gaffa *isn't* a totalitarian newsgroup/mailing list,
and my opinion is just opinion. No more, and no less important
than anyone else's.
> > Why say *anything* about Kate's looks in the FAQ?

> So far as the actual line in the current FAQ is concerned, I would say that 
> the issue is settled:  cut it.

I'm sure that Uli will consider all opinions expressed, not just mine,
when he next updates the FAQ.

Btw, I liked and agreed with the rest of your post. 

Vickie (omnipotent ruler of the universe wannabe)

                      "Some say that knowledge is ho ho ho"  KTB