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Did she come over on the Ninth Wave?

From: Andrew B Marvick <abm4@columbia.EDU>
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 93 19:09:56 EST
Subject: Did she come over on the Ninth Wave?


Are you sure she didn't come in a hurricane?  Storm's over America, you know...

-- IED, who will be glad of any philocanine company in the wee, chilly
hours of December 9th at the unpicturesque corner of 4th and

P.S.:  In regard to Ed Suranyi's sensible request that some Love-Hound
inquire of Columbia about Kate's doings while in NYC -- IED met a
brick wall much like the one |>oug reports encountering.  Seems
Columbia are old hands at fending off fans over the phone -- and even
when (as in IED's case this afternoon) they appear in their midtown offices...