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From: (Kent Finley)
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 93 13:07:27 -0700
Subject: I recant, I recant
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET
I must recant. I like Top of the City now, I really do. In fact, I can't get it out of my mind lately. Well, that's what'll happen after listening to an album 50 times (actually, I lost count after 10 or so listens). I now believe this is the best way to get to like an album -- auto-hypnosis! (Maybe I should try that with Achey Breaky Heart, although most of my friends would probably appreciate my trying it out with Pearl Jam!) Peace, Kent Finley | "What ya thinking? P.O.Box 2081 | What am I singing? Lethbridge, Alberta | A song of seeds CANADA, eh? T1J 4K6 | The food of love | Eat the Music" -- Kate Bush