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RE: RbG Moving up the charts

Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1993 07:06:54 +1000
Subject: RE: RbG Moving up the charts
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET (Receipt Notification Requested) (Non Receipt Notification Requested)
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Hi all!

I sent this to Love-Hounds-request by mistake a few days back


    * Firstly (and most importantly) TRS -WILL- be released in Oz on the 5th
November and hence will be in the shops for sale on the 8th of November!!

    * Second we should see MoP released as a second CD single here sometime
late November early December.

    * I've noticed that RBG has been sold out in many of the major music stores
in Wollongong and Sydney. Also it's been getting air-play on most of the big
commercial stations and many regional ones. It looks like RGB was a slow mover
to start with since many people didn't know it was out. Last week it was 61 in
the chart, this week it's 48 and moving up with a bullet!! :-)


    Well that's all old news now. EMI just rang me again to let me know that
the release in Oz will be delayed till the 12th of November. :-( I know we have
heard a million reasons for why we are seeing the delay -but- the reason given
to me was that the original 'film' sent to Australia from which they creat the
local CD 'had holes in it' and that the replacement was the same. From the
sound of it EMI International is having quality control problems.

               :  Graham Dombkins
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      "Hello Earth!!                    "I'm chasing nuns
       hello Earth..." - KT              out in the yard..." - TA