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KaTemas Wrap

From: (N. Richard Caldwell)
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1993 04:13:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: KaTemas Wrap
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
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Organization: The Big Sky BBS (+1 614 864 1198)

Has it already been over a week since KaTemas?  My how time flies! 

We'd like to thank everyone who came to our second annual KaTemas in 
Kolumbus.  Of course, as far as Gaffa readers go, that just means
Lori K. who was kind enough to bring along some really spiffy KaTe
goodies.  Her poster of Kate performing "Moving" from the Dutch fan
club videos confirmed for me that, contrary to speculation here, the 
boots Tori Amos wears in the "Silent All These Years" video have very 
little in common with the boots Kate was wearing.  Certainly not enough
to consider them a "reference" to the fan club video.

Non-Gaffan visiters included Jeff Decot and his wife Lindsey from
Dayton and our friends Mike and Jim from here in Columbus.  We were 
a bit disappointed in the turn out but, as they say, a good time was 
had by all. Stu Castergine has since reported that he was lost in
the woods.  We have forgiven him his trespasses since that seems
like an appropriate thing to do on Katemas.  ("It's in the trees! 
It's coming!") :-)

The day included Kate videos, Kate interviews and the traditional
(well for us anyway) Katemas burgers and brats in the sun room.  Of
course, the feature presentation of the day was the Aspel video which
those here so thoughtfully organized and distributed.  Everyone was
spellbound and I think the consensus was that "Moments of Pleasure"
is a promising track.

When I heard the first audio samples of "Moments of Pleasure" I 
must admit that I wasn't terribly enthused.  Comparisons with "Reaching
Out" certainly didn't help any for me.  But after several repeats
of a good stereo copy, it has grown on me considerably.  The strings
get pretty obnoxious toward the end but that may be exaggerated by
the audio characteristics of broadcast stereo sound.  The song is
a bit of a re-hash on an old theme, but it shares an older, wiser
and more personal perspective.

After some more Kate video folks started heading home.  That was fine,
we expected it to happen eventually, but we didn't expect everyone
to leave without having some KaTemas Kake!   We were left with a beautiful
ivy trimmed cake all to ourselves.  Oh well, there are worse fates.

"Don't drive too slowly."         Richard Caldwell
                                  The Big Sky BBS (+1 614 864 1198)