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Stev0, you have gone *TOO* FAR!!!

From: (Jorn Barger)
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1993 12:30:58 GMT
Subject: Stev0, you have gone *TOO* FAR!!!
To: rec-music-gaffa@uunet.UU.NET
Organization: Chinet - Public Access UNIX
Summary: Smilies omitted as an experiment

In his devastating post, "The Jorn 'n' Chris Rockem Sockem Robots", Stev0 
> Jorn, on the other hand, is suffering feelings of a past life of his as
> a High Priest of Atlantis.  If his pouting doesn't work (and usually it
> doesn't), he'll just give up and throw a bad ASCII graphic at everyone.

Stev0, this time you've pushed me TOO FAR!  I can take it when you say I'm
delusional, and self-pitying, and friendless, and lifeless, and too worthless
to live.  But don't you ***DARE*** insult my ASCII ART!

Stev0, I will wager $20 that you cannot *find* a more finely rendered human
face in ASCII art than my "...go under the ivy..."  If you don't appreciate
it, you should print it out (Monaco if possible, Courier in a pinch, but
any sansserif monospaced font will be better than Courier) and hang it
on your wall for a while.  To see the detail, you *can't* look close,
you have to let it blur a bit.  (It uses the ASCII equivalent of anti-
aliasing, which as far as I know has never been attempted before on this

And if you're too puny a wastrel to make such a gentleman's wager, then
I'll offer the $20 in an open competition to anyone who succeeds.

Feh! on you, Stev0.  


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