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a blast from the past

From: the man with the child up his nose <jondr@sco.COM>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 93 14:30:33 PST
Subject: a blast from the past
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Sender: jondr@sco.COM

it's not quite the 7 year anniversary of IED's appearance on
love-hounds (we've got about a month to go) but as he is here now and
may not be here then, i decided to share this little gem with y'all
today instead of saving it...

Date:    Tue, 15 Apr 86 19:06 PST
Subject: Interview revisited

Hi, Kate fans. A. Marvick responding to unexpectedly voluminous
verbiage from parts East and elsewhere.  Knowing nothing about
inter-computer communication as yet, I may frequently commit gaffes of
user etiquette. Please bear with me.

it only took four days for the first IED flame to arrive, as we see

Date: 19 Apr 86 20:59:00 PST
From: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>
Subject: DOA / Francis Bacon

The first Marvick posting was interesting, the second was long winded.
I would seriously like to ask the question, Doesn't Kate ever write
music devoid of 'deep-meaning'.  Granted, we all get thge message
concerning Cloudbursting, and we are aparently informed of its
meaning.  How the essay ever got from Kate's musical tragedy to
mention of Francis Bacon and his tragedy to mention of Francis Bacon
(bravo on getting the correct Bacon, here) and his prophetic
masterpiece <Novum Organum, The New Atlantis>, eludes me.  Am I
missing satire, here.

and then the next day, this arrived...

Date:         Sun, 20 Apr 1986 02:23 EST
Subject:      shit

> Venturing Into the Garden:
> A Look at Themes in Hounds of Love

You're full of it, and this essay reeks of it.

Take me off the mailing list, Doug, I can't stand the smell any more.

only took andy FIVE whole days to cause someone to unsubscribe!  even
I never managed that record.  :(

and for those of you who are yelling at me cos i hate it when any of
these 2nd rate female kate wannabees (no names mentioned, natch) get
some airtime on gaffa, remember this little gem from June of 86.  back
in those days, non-kate postings on gaffa were as likely to be about
severed heads or the sex pistols as jane siberry or danielle dax...

Date:    Wed, 04 Jun 86 16:14 PDT
Subject: Oh, forchrissake!

KATE BUSH...remember?

and it wasn't long after this that first infamous "doug vs IED"
semantic debate (aka pointless flamewar) started up, when doug
postulated that the dreaming was a more significant work than hounds
of love because it came first.  this led to the whole "does art have
to be NEW or does it have to be GOOD" debate.  it was still raging
when i joined the list a few months later...

and then on 9 Nov, yours truly surfaced with this kate-related
Date:     Sun,  9 Nov 86  00:47:28 EST
From: drukman%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU  (Jonathan S. Drukman)
Subject:  Shriekback, Kate Bush


I was going to say how Kate Bush's "Experiment IV" sounds a bit
calculated, but I've got a weak spot for Kate, and I love the lyrics,
so even if it is a bit 'mersh, I'll still listen to it.

well, that's today's nostalgia break.

Jon Drukman (an emulsifier)                             
Things are more like they are now than they ever were before.