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usenet mail

From: (Eric Walker)
Date: 21 Sep 92 (07:37)
Subject: usenet mail
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET

UG>WRT the gabriel video, I agree that it is like Big Time and Sledgehammer
UG>a little, but the mood of it is vastly different I feel. To put it simply
UG>Big Time and Sledge are kind of 'up' and DitD is a bit more 'down'. I have

     It's been pointed out that "Digging In The Dirt" is based at least
     partially on Gabriel's real-life experience; the fact that he went
     through marriage counseling and therapy certainly explains the song.
     (Hopefully the part where the lead character in the video hits his
     wife/girlfriend is NOT based on a real-life incident.)

UG>By the way, does anybody have any information on the 'Revisited' album. All
UG>I've heard is that it's going to be a kind of compilation of pg1 and pg2,
UG>which seems very silly to me.

     Haven't seen the album yet, but that sounds like exactly it: Atlantic
     Records trying to cash in on Gabriel's success - after all, his
     first two albums weren't huge smashes - and the publicity over "Us"
     is as good a time as any for them to make this marketing move.

     And then there's the OTHER Gabriel compilation album being released
     called "Before Us."  If this keeps up, Gabriel will have more "Best-
     Of" albums on the market than real work...
 ~ SLMR 2.1a ~ Forget the virgins - we're OUT of virgins!
Channel 1 (R)   Cambridge, MA