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No Subject

Yes it was.  We have it (thank you masked man).  

> there does exist a promo CD
> that features a few cuts from the album on it (unfortunately, I can't
> remember which ones). The other cut on the CD is Phil Collins' "Groovy
> Kind of Love". I noticed this CD hanging on the wall at Louisville's
> EAR X-STACY record store. 

Interesting.  Do you know if there was a title associated with this
promo disk?  A catalog number perhaps?

> They also had a copy of Y KANT TORI READ
> hanging on the wall (hard to believe that that is actually Tori
> on the cover, isn't it??), but neither the CD nor the album were for
> sale.

Not surprising.  Asking prices for Tori collectibles are really taking
off. (Insert chilling warning about world wide conspiracy to corner
the market on Tori collectibles <booga booga>).  

>         "Serious Collector's Question": Although the original single
> issue of "Sat In Your Lap" features a rougher mix of the song,
> why does the accompaning video (which I assume was done at about the
> same time) feature the more polished album mix ?? Anybody?
Sorry, can't help you here.  We're not serious collectors, we're...
harvesters of the musical bounty.  Yeah, that's it.

"Don't drive too slowly."                 Richard Caldwell
                                          AT&T Network Systems