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Batman, The Ninth Wave, misc

From: (ronald hill)
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1992 18:30:14 -0700
Subject: Batman, The Ninth Wave, misc
To: Love-Hounds@wiretap.Spies.COM
Organization: NetRunner's Paradise BBS, San Diego CA

        Saw Batman Returns today.  I give it three and a half Kate Bush 
symbols out of four possible, which is better then the original that got 
three KT symbols.  Catwoman has the most interesting way of moving since, 
well you know... 

        Thanks to Neil for his eagle eye on Kate's expected appearance on 
TV, I hope you'll have your VCR ready.  

        Sam Warren asked about _the_ninth_wave_.  I found your 
interpretaion of Kate entering another dimension interesting, can you 
elaborate.  There has been much speculation as to whether or not Kate 
intended the woman to die, which has finally been laid to rest with the 
interview from last year.  Her are some quotes on the subjects you asked 

        Will you ever release your visual interpretation of the concept 
piece, The Ninth Wave?
        There was never a visual piece made to The Ninth Wave, 
unfortunately.  It was something that I'd hoped to do, and, the whole of 
that side had been made very much with a film in mind.  I was too 
exhausted, really, by the time it came to actually having a chance to 
make it, but I would very much like to make a film of some kind, one day. 
 If it takes me longer than my albums I'm in big trouble, I think!
        [Laughter from audience]
        But I just love the combination of film and music.  I think when 
it works, it's so powerful.  And also it's nice working with big groups 
of people because when I make an album it's quite isolating, you really 
only deal with small numbers of people at a time, and when you're making 
a video there's maybe up to forty people, so it - it's very exciting for 
me.  Uh, thank you.   (1990 Kate Bush Con)

*       ...a journey for a woman asleep on the water:  There are people 
trying to keep her awake and not let her fall asleep ["And Dream of 
Sheep"]. Then she falls asleep and has a dream -- but wakes up from the  
dream only to find herself underwater ['Under Ice'].  And then she has 
hallucinations where people are saying 'Wake up, wake up, don't sleep 
anymore,' and trying to get her out of the water.  Except a witch finder 
pushes her right under because he assumes she's a witch ['Waking the 
Witch'].  Soon she travels home and sees her loved ones but they can't 
see her ['Watching You Without Me'] and hopefully it all leads to the 
hope and salvation of the morning ['The Morning Fog'] where everything 
comes to life again.  The sense of loneliness is taken over by the sense 
of someone saving them.   (1985, Pulse)

*       At this point in the story, it's the future self of this person 
coming to visit them to give them a bit of help here.  I mean, it's about 
time they have a bit of help.  So it's there future self saying, "look," 
you know, "don't give up, you've got to stay alive, 'cause if you don't 
stay alive, that means I don't."  You know, "and I'm alive, I've had kids 
[laughs].  I've been through years and years of life, so you have to 
survive, you mustn't give up."   (1991, Classic Albums)

*       Well, that's really meant to be the rescue of the whole 
situation, where now suddenly out of all this darkness and weight comes 
light.  You know, the weightiness is gone and here's the morning, and 
it's meant to feel very positive and bright and uplifting from the rest 
of dense, darkness of the previous track.  And although it doesn't say 
so, in my mind this was the song where they were rescued, where they get 
pulled out of the water.  And it's very much a song of seeing 
perspective, of really, you know, of being so grateful for everything 
that you have, that you're never grateful of in ordinary life because you 
just abuse it totally.  And it was also meant to be one of those kind of 
"thank you and goodnight" songs.  You know, the little finale where 
everyone does a little dance and then the bow and then they leave the 
stage.  [laughs]   (1991, Classic Albums)

        This last quote is the one that settled the issue, though Kate 
always makes it clear that people are welcome to there own 

        So are we back up now???? :-)

--- (ronald hill)
NetRunner's Paradise BBS, San Diego CA