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Re: Dax Peel Sessions CD / Re: In a Warm Room

From: (Kenneth R Brownfield)
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1992 00:49:30 -0800
Subject: Re: Dax Peel Sessions CD / Re: In a Warm Room
To: <love-hounds@WIRETAP.SPIES.COM>
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
References: <> <>
Sender: (News)

larry@csccat.cs.COM (Larry Spence) writes:
>First off, a news item.  The Peel Sessions disc for Danielle Dax has been
>released; there's a review of it in the latest issue of Option.  Has anyone
>tracked down a copy yet?  It's a domestic US release (UK also, I think).  

     I've seen this for over a month, is this different than other possible
Peel Sessions discs out?  I'll try to look the next time I have money (i.e.
don't hold your breath! ;)

>In article <> barger@ils.nwu.EDU writes:
>>It's interesting to me to see thru email how deeply shared my views are, in
>>certain corners, and it encourages me to carry this on.

>For the record, at least _one_ piece of email was sent to Jorn expressing
>a different opinion.  I don't know if he got it before he posted the above.

     Well, if he _did_ see it, I don't think certain corners is a general all-
inclusive term.  And heck, when it gets down to it, he could make a KateSucks
mailing list and we wouldn't need to all hold up our hands in a two-thirds
majority for him to be able to do it...

>>I'm realizing this morning that probably the "cut" between the 'Rudis' and
>>the 'Homegrounders' is also the cut between fans who have no personal
>>artistic urges, and fans who are on the path of self-discovery thru
>>creative effort. 
>That's a very conceited assumption, IMHO.  You sure seem to have a polarized
>attitude toward Kate fans.  You don't leave much room for Kate fans who have 
>both sensitive and sarcastic aspects.  Do you think that everyone is either 
>a "caring nurturer" (not Jorn's words %) or a raving s/he-bitch?

     Conceited?  Huh?  I think the intent was to wake you up to what he was
saying.  If he wanted to be conceited and insult persons X, Y, and Z, there
are many, more efficient methods of doing so.  As it is, look at it, find
your opinion on whether you believe this to be "probably" accurate, or if you
disagree, and express it and explain it.  His point isn't who's better, or
who's bad, the point is, why should even the shadow of something like this
be brought up?
     I doubt Jorn knows reason if it rang his doorbell, so there must not have
been any reason.
     Sarcasm 101.
     If you can't see anything but insults, where are you in a world full of
them?  Sarcasm without sensitivity is not just another way of expressing
sensitivity without sarcasm.  Sarcasm can go with anything, it's the perceived
foundation that determines what someone is saying.  If someone has no
sensitivity beneath the sarcasm, sarcasm isn't just a useful edge, it's an
axe.  Wielding an axe with intent to kill is illegal in anyone's perception
of reality.

>>Everyone who has set out on the latter path will remember
>>how hollow *heckling* suddenly sounded, once you'd started imagining being
>>on the receiving end.
>Yes, and _we_ remember that you don't run away and hide from hecklers, you
>learn to ignore them or give 'em a taste of their own medicine (Sandra 

     This is foolish.  You don't beat the crap out of two people who are
fighting and breaking up a concert, you'd be no better than they are.  While
I can sympathize with the revenge aspect, it just doesn't cut it, IMESHO.
     Hiding?  How can you hide from your own mailbox?  Again, his point isn't
hiding, it's expressing a point that a lot of people (this is _not_ a
criticism) don't seem to want to look at and evaluate constructively.  If you
disagree for some reason, I'd applaud you.  But gimme a reason, not excuses,
and I'd be happy either way.
     Cynthia must have misplaced my email, there's no way she could be
possibly hiding from it.  Not at all.
     Sarcasm 199, Honors.

>Bernhard exemplifies the latter).  Unless you're going to just write/sing/play
>for your own little private circle, you have to deal with the real world from

     The real world?  If the net is the real world to you, I think there's
something I need to tell you.  The fact that I'm not being arrogant should
imply something more.
     Love-hounds is a "little private circle" from the net majority who
won't have anything to do with Kate Bush.  Are you a Love-Hound or have
you been posting to the wrong list for a _long_ time?  You seem to be
calling one instance of a mailing list hiding and another technically
identical mailing list reality.  Nothing he has done is any worse than what
any of us has done.  Is Doug also to blame for creating Love-Hounds in the
first place?  (I think it was Doug... ?)  Are Love-Hounds simply hiding from
the naughty net outside, or are we a group of people with much in common who
want to understand and know other people?
     Tell me why the fuck it's so hard to see the latter.

>time to time, and it includes people who are sarcastic, critical, and/or rude
>to varying degrees.  Do you think that there is no such thing as pretentious-
>ness?  That the knife of sarcasm is _never_ needed?  Geez, a world without
>sarcasm, I think I'll shoot myself... %)

     I would too.
     Unfortunately, sarcasm is slowly becoming joking cynicism, not it's
true definition, and I'm very guilty of it.  Tell me that Cynthia is
sarcastic and I will politely laugh in your face.

>>But these kids who've never dared to make a personal artistic experiment,
>How do you know this??  "Kids"?  

     Tell us why you believe he's not telling the truth.  He knows none of
us are kids, so why do you think he used the term?  Do you think he believes
that none of us has made some kind of "personal artistic experiment?"
     If you don't look at why he's writing what he's writing, you aren't
getting anything out of it.  If this great tool of sarcasm is so necessary,
how can you not see through his?
     I hate to use WarmRoom, I hate the reason it's there, and I hope it
becomes obsolete very soon, as has been expressed by others.
     Folks, I'm not trying to be God, clairvoyant, or anything of that sort.
I'd love people to talk about it, not use the excuse of "I'm just being
sarcastic you girlyboy" like I've been known to use.  I can ask everyone to
understand who everyone else is, to give everyone the benefit of the doubt,
to be a self-respecting group of people with a great deal in common, but if
petty words and false shields get in the way, why bother?
     Just my $0.025.

>Larry Spence
Mail only & info via finger:  |            Ken.
This composition is 100% personal opinion. |