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From: (Brian F. Marten)
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1991 06:53:14 -0800
Subject: Re: KT and the Head Bangers
Distribution: local
References: <4LwcaB2w164w@bsbbs.UUCP>
In <4LwcaB2w164w@bsbbs.UUCP> nrc@bsbbs.UUCP (N. Richard Caldwell) writes: > (E Welsh) writes: |> My impression of HM fans (good grief I'm married to one!) is that they are |> no less open-minded than the next person (not that you implied they're |> not open-minded). KaTe's releases are _always_ reviewed in the HM press and |> in my experience they are just as likely to dedicate a whole article on KaTe |> as the rest of the music press. The reviews are rarely unsympathetic I might |> add. In fact they are usually raves. >I do seem to recall that "RAW" and "Kerrang" both gave significant >exposure and positive reviews to _The Sensual World_ when it was >released. >I think that good rock music and good Kate music (isn't the latter >a redundant phrase?) are both a very visceral thing so there's bound >to be some overlap. Of course, Kate supplements the gut impact by >touching your heart and mind while most metal bands will settle for a >good swift kick in the stomach. this is very interesting... I just introduced KaTe to some friends of mine who are self proclaimed serious HM fans... and they were totally blown away. They could not believe the complete spectral nature of KaTe's music. These people were ready to go out and buy at least the 5 albumns(cds) that I had on me at the time. (rant rant rant). Although I must also say their reaction is not that much different than my original one. Once I listened. Now I listen for ever more. ttfn, brian. -- marten@en.ecn (+ Brian F. Marten (that's M A R T *E* N) fur not feathers. Do something you hate, being miserable builds character! ( -- CAlviN ) -- marten@en.ecn (+ Brian F. Marten (that's M A R T *E* N) fur not feathers. Do something you hate, being miserable builds character! ( -- CAlviN )