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Date: Fri, 12 Apr 91 17:22:24 GMT-0:00
Subject: Archives

I have been asked by Peter of Homeground to obtain material from
the Lovehounds archives for them. In particular they have asked for
material between 12/7/90 and 14/10/90. However, the last file I have
found in the archives (0109) ends on 8/8/90. Is the more recent material
available anywhere (Bill?, |>oug?).

I have posted this to the list rather than mail Bill (humble pseudo-moderator)
directly as I think it is of general interest.

Also, it would be nice to have an index/README to the archive so that
we knew what dates were in each file. This is a suggestion *not* a gripe
and it could be done by some kind soul other than the pseudo-moderator
(e.g. someone who has ftp'd the files in the past).

Neil Calton                          UUCP:   ..!mcsun!ukc!rlinf!nbc
Informatics Department,              NSFNET:
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,      BITNET:
Chilton, Didcot, Oxon,  OX11 0QX     JANET:
England                              Tel: (0235) 821900   ext 5740