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Date: Mon, 30 Jul 90 14:31 PDT
Subject: MisK.

 To: Love-Hounds
 From: Andrew Marvick (IED)
 Subject: MisK.

   First, IED would like to thank everyone who attended his Katemas
Eve's Eve Bush Bash last Saturday, and for making it what seemed,
to IED, at least, a rollicking success. In all, between 32 and
34 people were present. More tellingly, of those, about twenty-five
_remained_ in attendance for a good five or six hours--most of
them without so much as letting an eye or ear stray from the TV sets.
Those with whom IED was able to chat for an odd moment here and
there throughout the course of the evening proved to be very
charming and interesting conversationalists, and IED, for one,
had a _very_ fun time. In all, it lasted from 2:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
   IED would _especially_ like to thank Ed Suranyi, who helped IED
out in many little ways during the course of the evening.
   Also thanks to Larry Hernandez (L-H), whose presence reminded
IED that, indeed, she really is.
   Also a big thank you to Tracy for her morale-boosting presence--
and to all others who traveled from great distances just to meet
up with other Kate Bush fans. A splendid time was had, IED hopes, by all.
   IED understands why Jon Drukman couldn't make it (too bad, it
would have been fun for IED and Drukman to meet in the flesh at last),
but Dave Hsu, what happened to you? And what about Gabriella Carlson,
who had all the big plans for a KT-fan group trip to Disneyland the
next day? Ah, well, IED was too pooped to go anywhere Sunday anyway...
   IED will keep everyone's addresses, and next summer perhaps
the Southern and Northern Californians can link up with the Washingtonian
KonTingent, to organize the first West Coast Kate Bush Convention...?
   Speaking of Washington--what happened to you guys? IED called
both the telephone numbers given in your posting, but no-one answered
either phone, and there was no answering machine to take our message.
We had thirty people crammed into a hot little room ready to sing
"Happy Birthday" in unison with you Washingtonians, all to no avail.
And Vickie tells IED she had the same disappointing experience when
she tried to call you people from her Chicago party. What gives?
   IED enjoyed meeting a great number of Kate Bush fans, and feels
that he made a few new friends. In particular a very interesting, all
too short chat with British Love-Hound Derek Langsford will be
remembered with pleasure. Thanks to everyone for coming, and he
hopes you all got enough noodles and brownies...
   About the CD boxed set: first, IED gathers that the project
is still in the early planning stages, right, Vickie? So there
may yet be a decision to re-organize the release such that the
album-CDs need not be purchased in order to get the non-LP-cuts
CDs. IED will not complain, however, if all are sold as one package.
It will add to the prestige, value and collectibility of the box,
and you can never really buy too many copies of Kate's albums, anyway.
   ("Yes you can, you kooky Kate Bush fan!")
   Speaking of the David Sylvian boxed set of CDs (as Derek was
doing): IED can appreciate its quality as a package, but IED was
very disappointed that not only did _Weatherbox_ rehash all of
Sylvian's solo albums (all of which IED already owned, as did
no doubt many of _Weatherbox_'s purchasers), but except for
the missing instrumentals on _Gone_to_Earth_ and perhaps one
or two instrumentals from the _Alchemy_/_Steel_Cathedrals_ projects,
there was no new-to-CD material in the entire set. In fact, _Pop_Song_,
which is Sylvian's most recent release, wasn't even included--even though
the same track _had_ come out as a CD-single prior to _Weatherbox_'s
release. Also missing were the instrumental and extended mixes of
the singles from _Brilliant_Trees_, and one or two other
instrumental tracks of great beauty which were heard on the Japanese
_Preparations_for_a_Journey_ soundtrack. When one takes into account
the additional fact that _all_ of these tracks could have been
included along with all of _Weatherbox_'s other material in a
total of one _fewer_ CD's, it becomes clear that more work could
and should have been done on that project prior to its release.
   IED raises all this old history only because he has higher hopes
for Kate's forthcoming boxed set.
   In late 1988, following Peter's suggestion in _Homeground_ that fans
should send in ideas about a possible EMI CD collection of KT b-sides
and rarities, IED wrote a typically long and pompous letter detailing
every single snippet of music that he felt was indispensible to such
a compilation. He received a very cordial answer from EMI indicating
that they would be sure to keep IED's letter on file and consult it
when the project was revived (it having been shelved indefinitely
due to the news of _TSW_'s imminent release).
   IED, not relying on such an old assurance, has revised his list
of rarities-compilation requests, and it appears in a separate
Love-Hounds posting for readers' comments before being sent off
to EMI.

   IED has been asked to say a word or two about the "last" official
KT convention. IED did not attend that one. In 1986, following the
hugely successful 1985 convention which IED _did_ attend (along with
your Humble Pseudo-Moderator Doug Alan and about 400 other dediKated
fans), _Homeground_ organized what they called a "video party" in
a club in Argyle St. in London. Unfortunately the club was overpacked
with fans who had somehow learned that Kate herself would be attending,
and as a result that party turned into something of a fiasco--Kate
ended up sitting at a tiny table signing an endless stream of album
covers, etc., there was near-pandemonium, and few fans had a good time.
   IED's experience at the 1985 convention was, in contrast, very
positive indeed. It occurred in November, at the Dolphin Centre
in Romford, a suburb of London. There was no over-crowding, as
only those who had bought tickets in advance showed up; and there
was no rushing of Kate or excessive album-signing, because everyone
had cleverly been led to believe that Kate would "probably not
attend" the convention. When at the very end Kate _did_ turn up
onstage, the whole group went wild with excitement, rushed en masse
to the foot of the stage, and then held their breath to hear Kate
thank everyone for coming, and to watch her as she was presented
with a platinum album for _HoL_. It was a _great_ moment.
   Before Kate's appearance, however, lots of other fun things
happened: there were two rounds of a Kate Bushology Quiz, conducted
by Peter FitzGerald-Morris, the Dean of Kate Bushology (who wore a cap
and gown from H.G.U.). Our Pseudo-Moderator actually participated in the
first round, sitting onstage and answering the questions with his
usual deftness and aplomb.
   There was a slide show, during which a tape of a then-exclusive
interview with Kate was heard (this was the Capital Radio interview
of 1985, conducted by Tony Myatt and since posted in Love-Hounds).
There were door-prizes, including one of Kate's gold albums and
Del Palmer's Tour of Life leather jacket (presented by Del). There
was a lot of official KT merchandise on sale in a back room, as well
as a good deal of unofficial KT trading among the crowd. (One person
had at least fifty different KT badges on his person, many of which
were for sale; and Scott Shepard, an American fan, had brought a big
case full of posters to peddle.) There was a very interesting (though,
unhappily, under-miked) interview with Kate's brothers Paddy and John Carder
Bush, conducted by--Kate's brothers Paddy and John Carder Bush. And best of
all, there were Kate's entire family and Del Palmer at the back of
the main room throughout the entire event, ready and willing to chat
with any and all fans who were interested. It was a really friendly
atmosphere. Also, a lot of exclusive video clips were shown, including
coverage of Kate's trip to Japan and outtakes from the Hammersmith
Odeon film.
   If the next convention is held in a big enough room, and ticket
sales are carefully limited, and if _Homeground_ _don't_ go spreading
assurances that Kate herself will attend (a little late for that!),
then the occasion should prove to be another amazing, magical success,
like the '85 con. Let's hope at least a few Love-Hounds are able to
put in an appearance and represent our group, eh?

-- Andrew Marvick