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Is she or isn't she?

From:!ut-emx! (SStarrett)
Date: 13 Apr 90 12:20:52 GMT
Subject: Is she or isn't she?
Article-I.D.: ut-emx.28104
Keywords: Kate Bush/Neo-Paganism
Newsgroups:, talk.religion.newage,, alt.pagan
Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
Posted: Fri Apr 13 07:20:52 1990
Posted-Date: 13 Apr 90 12:20:52 GMT

I've been curious about this for some time now.  I also saw
this as a neat way to get varied responses by cross-posting!

Has anyone else ever see a link between Kate Bush and "Neo-Pagan"
ideas?  I've seen references to this, even in fan club newsletters,
but she remains evasive about it.

Songs that come to mind immediately are "Strange Phenomena",
"Them Heavy People", and (especially) the video of "Sat in Your
Lap". I'm sure there are others...

Anyone else see a connection?

	-Susan-	      I am posting from a friend's account; please
		      send direct replies to my Internet Address:

   * Many clapped.  Some did not.  A few little beasts hissed. *