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love and anger video

From: Jon Drukman <jsd@GAFFA.MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 89 11:24:50 EST
Subject: love and anger video

After scanning through two and a half hours of VH-1 crud, I finally
got to Love And Anger.  Having watched it a few times now, I think
I am well informed enough to say: "my gosh, how bland."

Maybe someday I'll get to see the video for TSW...

But, I agree with Lazlo (?) - i love the whirling of the dervishes!

+---------------------- Is there any ESCAPE from NOISE? ----------------------+
|  |   |\       | | "To serve God, you gotta be stupid and  |
| \|on |/rukman | jsd@umass.bitnet  |  freakish and poor."  -- ??             |