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Jig of Life/ Kate

From: miket@umbc3.UMD.EDU (Mike Taube )
Date: 16 Dec 88 03:05:29 GMT
Subject: Jig of Life/ Kate
Organization: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
References: <3827@scobee.ATT.COM>
Reply-To: miket@umbc3.UMD.EDU (Mike Taube (MIC))
Sender: Miket@umbc3.UMD.EDU

In the Song "Jig of Life", Kate Bush sings of an old woman fighting for her
soul/life as she is dying. On my Hounds of Love cassette and on my friend's CD,
a part of this song is missing. I was wondering if anyone happens to know what
the words are. I can start it off..

Woman:I put this moment.. HERE
W: I put this moment.... HERE
W: I put this moment........
D: Over here.
D: Over HERE!
D: Can't you see where memories .... kept right
   Tripping on the water like a laughing Girl
   ..... spawning... pastlife...
   Run in the Ocean ......
   Holding all the love that waits for you here
   .. now AND your future
   A kiss on the wind .....
   Come over here to where ... lingers, waiting in this empty world
   Holding all the love that waits for you here....

Here come the planes......                   
They're American planes... Made in America.            Michael Taube
Smoking, or non-smoking ??      - L. Anderson