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Who'd they use to vote for?

From: Jamie Andrews <andrews@cs.ubc.cdn>
Date: Fri, 29 May 87 16:00:58 pdt
Subject: Who'd they use to vote for?

     Consider the last lines of "There Goes A Tenner":

"There's a ten-shilling note,
 Remember them?
 That's when we used to vote for him."

     Now I assume that the ten-shilling note became obsolete
when Britain moved to decimal currency, hence "remember them".
But who is it that they used to vote for?  The guy whose
picture appears on the ten-shilling note?  (not bloody likely)
Some politician associated with decimalization (oops sorry,
"decimalisation")?  The prime minister at some time before
decimalisation -- possibly when the criminals were less
disillusioned about the political process?  (OK, OK, maybe
that's stretching it)

     Maybe the video explains this, but I haven't seen the
video.  In any case, I'm sure IED or some equally zealous
L-H (hmm, is there anyone as zealous as IED?) could fill me
in, er, I mean enlighten me.  (Got to watch these British
vs. N.American idioms!)

"Good heavens, Miss Sakamoto, you're beautiful"

	[Believe it or not, |>oug has spent many a sleepless night
	pondering this very question.  Unfortunately, even John Carder
	Bush did not know who "him" is, when I asked him about it.
	Maybe if I ever get to interview Kate again...  -- |>oug]