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"Don't Give Up"

From: bu-cs!sam (Shelli Meyers)
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 86 16:25:47 EDT
Subject: "Don't Give Up"

>This is an understandable reaction (although it's really not
>fair to say the song is WORSE than Lionel Richie, etc. Come on!).
>You haven't made any direct criticism of Kate here, but given the
>purported subject of L-Hs, criticism of her has been implied.
[paragraphs on how I shouldn't have blamed Kate at all]

Wait!  Calm down!  I didn't flame Kate.  I know Peter Gabriel
wrote it.  Although if Kate wrote it I'd still hate it.

You know what I hate the *MOST* about "Don't Give Up"?  The lyrics
are so NAUSEATINGLY trite.

>And what of this
>Big Country record, and Kate's vocal on "The Seer"? That's a pretty
>silly track, despite the care taken with the syntax of its lyrics.
>(The worst thing about it is the lead singer's insistence on taking over
>Kate's part, with Kate relegated to the background! As if there
>wasn't quite enough of his voice on the rest of the album!)

Geez, and I *like* "The Seer".  I think it is a) nicely arranged, especially
the vocals; b) doesn't sound the SAME THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE SONG; and 
c) is very fun and unusual, especially for Big Country.