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Re: Get Out of My House/Two Magicians

From: (Skipperway)
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 17:05:41 -0500
Subject: Re: Get Out of My House/Two Magicians
To: <>
Organization: AOL
References: <>

I am glad you made that connection, it's one that's been kicking around in my
 head for a while. 

Steel Eye Span does their own version of Two Magicians which, though still
 easily interpreted as rape, does have one verse which is kind of sweet and
 encourages me to interpret the song as unrequited love rather than forced
 sexual encounter.

"She became a nun, a nun all dressed in white,
And he became a ?canty? priest and prayed for her by night."
And it seems to me that she DOES die a maid so that the last verse -

"She became a corpse, a corpse all in the ground,
And he became the cold clay and smothered her all around"

could be taken to mean that he was willing to follow her into her grave for
 love (instead of the equally obvious - "he was forcing himself on her even in
