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Kate on Love-Hounds (Was: Re: the interpretive battles continue)

From: (Mikael Jakonen)
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 19:29:16 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Kate on Love-Hounds (Was: Re: the interpretive battles continue)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi! (Leslie Vermeer) writes:

>Guys, guys, where's your (mandatory) KaTe Kontent? What's interesting to
>speculate is whether *Kate* is a digest subscriber (this optimistically
>assuming she looks at all)...

This is a question that has come up before. And the last time 
it was asked the answer was this:

If Kate Bush was a digest subscriber, the moderator would not
tell us. Neither directly nor indirectly. It's a question of 
personal integrity.

There's no reason to believe our moderator have changed his mind.
But of course, we are still free to speculate...


Music is like vintage wine. It keeps getting better over the years, 
if those who made it knew how to make it right...

Mikael Jakonen                          