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Re: Kate vs. Diana

From: Dongerous! <>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 00:02:27 -0700
Subject: Re: Kate vs. Diana
To: (Faerymouse)
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At 6:31 PM -0700 9-8-97, Faerymouse wrote:
>>The wisdom of Kate's conscious decision to avoid the media and not to become
>>just another celebrity is now apparent.  See where Princess Diana's thirst
>>celebrity got her.  Now she's dead.
>"thrist for celebrity"??

A nearly unquenchable thirst.

>where do you get off?

Planet Reality. Join us.

>the women spent most of her life hiding from the press,

Oh, I see. This is a joke post. Okay, I'm with you. LOL!

>the only time she was really ok with publicity
>was when she was trying to draw attention to a cause.


>> I find it very interesting the
>>relationship of
>>talent and brilliance to who is meritorious of celebrity and how this has
>>worked in
>>Kate's favor.  Princess Diana, who was a relatively talentless cutesy
>>air-head and
>>a former member of the Royal family, is admired and mourned by millions;
>yeah. someone who worked so hard to stop landmines,

Those photo ops are such hard work. I salute her!

> help find a cure for aids,

Worked so hard to find a cure for AIDS? I am doubled over laughing now!
Boy, putting those clothes up for auction must have been absolutely
exhausting. Shoot, those scientists are just wasting their time.

>and more is really an "airhead".

Vapid, beyond description.

>i'd like to know what you've done to
>better the world. and of course she is mourned. she's DEAD.

Lots of people die. Do you mourn them all?

>>yet, Kate Bush, who has given the world more than Diana ever thought of, is
>>ignored.  Brilliance is ignored while mediocrty is Glorified!  Ain't the
>>world a twisted place.  I hope I never live to see Kate Bush's death, but
>>when than time comes, she definitely deserves a state funeral.  Kate has
>>character that Diana only wished she had.
>you know why Diana gets more attention than Kate?

This is easy...the answer is: Because Diana WANTED more attention than
Kate. (Note Kate content!)

>because she is DEAD.

Oh, that too?

> she died a terrible death.

She got in a car with a drunk driver. She didn't wear her seatbelt. The
driver was speeding. That's not a terrible death...that's a PREDICTABLE

>she did her best in her lifetime to show love and
>compassion towards all people.

Oh, she spent time with the little people. How nice.

Did you know that when she took her sons to see AIDS patients that this
paragon of virtue told her sons the people had cancer...not AIDS? What do
you think about that?

>she's more well known than Kate because she
>was the Princess of Wales for christssake.

And she played to the press in an effort to maniuplate them.

> Kate is a musician who was MUCH
>more able to hide from the public then Diana was.

Diana could've hidden. You don't hear nearly as much about the Princesses
that didn't marry into the family.

>Fewer people know who
>Kate is because she is a MUSICIAN. not a princess.

Oh, yes...Michael Jackson is a virtual unknown.

> and music is a very subjective taste.


> Kate touched my world and many other's through music, but
>it is stupid to assume that she would touch everyones. not everyone likes
>her type of music.

And those people deserve to be put to death...immediately. Bring me their
heads and I'll mount them on the palace gates. Commoners...sheesh.

- Don