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From: (JobuInPgh)
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 09:11:38 -0400
To: <>
Organization: AOL
References: <>

>Gaffaweb, Love-Hounds and pretty much knock
>CI$, AOL and all their proprietary brethren into the proverbial
>cocked hat. This is just my opinion, and your milage may vary.
>It is possible that CI$ serves your needs perfectly. But I see
>little need for a Kate discussion group on a pay service. 

While I usually am happy to hear about any pieces of news, or stories
related by Chris here on gaffa, I must take issue with hime here.
(Switching narrative to second person in lame attempt to save face...)

Chris, I fully agree with you that r.m.g., GaffaWeb, and IRC are perfectly
well and good (and in the case of GaffaWeb, flat out incredible), I have a
problem with how you have swept Kyri's request, which was aimed at
CompuServe users, completely aside. While there is no great NEED for a CiS
forum about KaTe, there was no great NEED for GaffaWeb either.  A burning
desire, yes... a need, no.  I think that if CiS KaTe fans want to create a
forum there, then it's all well and good.  Perhaps some other CiS members
who aren't as well versed in the internet will run across this forum and
find out how to get to the internet goodies.  I know for a fact that there
is a KaTe message board on AOL, and has been for years.  Does it take away
from any of the internet resources? No.  Can it help fledgling KaTe fans
find other resources, and spread "the gospel" of KaTe to people who may
otherwise not encounter it?  Hell, yes!

Yes, I work with computers and the internet for a living.  And yes, I
access the net at home via AOL.  And yes, it is a bit slower than using an
ISP, or getting a direct connection for my home office.  But, for the
nonce, it is sufficient.  The on my e-mail address may make me
seem like I'm clueless, but that can be deceiving.  I don't mean to direct
this part of my diatribe completely at you, but I just get a little weary
of the "digerati" attitude that if it's on an online service, it can't be

On a happier note, I will now be going back to my typical lurker mode!
