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From: (Steve Berlin)
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 11:21:05 -0700
Subject: Duets
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Sender: owner-love-hounds

Hmmm, here's an obvious one I hadn't seen before.

Kudos to whoever started this thread!

"Who would you want to see Kate do a duet with?"

Here's my choices (in a Lettermanesque order):

10.  Jonathan Richman
9.  Gordon of the Violent Femmes
8.  Courtney Love
7.  The lead screamer in Rage Against the Machine
6.  William S. Burroughs
5.  William Shatner
4.  Rowan Atkinson
3.  Vanilla Ice
2.  ABBA

And who would I MOST like to see Kate have a duet with?

1.  Barney the Dinosaur

I can just see it now!

Barney:  Oh boy, oh boy!  It's really great for you to be here!
Kate: Thank you for having me!  I'm really flattered.  Thank you!
Barney:  And are you ready to sing us a songily-wongily-song?
Kate:  Oh, thank you for asking!  Yes, I am!
Barney  [Starts singing]: I love you you, you love me, we're a
happy family

At the same time, Kate is singing in background:
I LooooOOOOOOoooove you [New Wuthering Heights-style]

- Stev0 the raptor

P.S.  Count me in as another one who would like to see Kate Tour.

P.P.S.  Also count me in as one who would like to win the Publisher's
Clearing House Sweepstakes, to see the war end in Bosnia, to have
Reverand Wildmon finally come out of the closet, and maybe, just
maybe, someone making a videogame that does NOT involve to
ninjas beating each other up.  All this on the same day.  'cause THAT 
has better odds than the odds of Kate touring again.