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Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 13:25:19 -0400
Subject: Gaffiti
Sender: owner-love-hounds

IED's heartiest and most heartfelt thanks
are due to *Jessica* and respected Love-Hounds 
Pseudo-Moderator *Bill*, who were miraculously
generous and tolerant hosts for the S.F.-area
Katemas party last Saturday.  A wonderful time
was had by all, except perhaps those within 
earshot of the Marvick-Wisner-Berlin Kate-cover
jam-session, which is probably to say everyone
else at the party and much of the rest of Half Moon Bay.
(It was perhaps in anticipation of this distinguished
fesTmusiK that our esteemed cohort-in-obsession 
Karen Newcombe stayed away, though we were all 
the sadder for her absence.) 

The Jeopardy marathon was diverting, the food excellent, 
the company charming -- with special recognition here 
to Chris'n'Vickie, whose rare presence on the West 
Coast (IED's last meeting with the Mapes/Williams 
team out here was, if he doesn't misremember, in 
1983 -- Vickie? You see now how long this unhealthy 
obsession has been eating some of us elders up!).  Vickie's 
Herculean, nay Atlasian, effort --


-- was finally unveiled in all its glory (thanks to 
Bill's superfast connections), and IED for one was 
left (thankfully) speechless.  Spectacular doesn't
begin to describe it.  Congratulations, Vickie, on 
a work of true heroism.  You've shown more than
a little devotion here, and all the rest of us will 
benefit now and for years to come.

Thanks to everyone for letting Andy come along, he
had a great time.  Alas, now our midwestern friends
have departed again so soon, IED is reminded of the
always eloquent and profound words of Kate Bush
in similar sentimental and nostalgic post-separation


-- Andrew Marvick (IED)
    S              R              I