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Re: The "Skyscraping" album...

From: maybe the last real beer in america <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 19:12:17 -0400
Subject: Re: The "Skyscraping" album...
Sender: owner-love-hounds

also sprach Alan Stonebridge <>:

>I'd appreciate it if somebody could give me info. on the "Skyscraping" 
>album by Paddy Bush and Colin Lloyd Tucker... like is it still available, 
>a catalogue number, what the album can be compared to, and the other 
>usual stuff.

the album is catalog number bah 8 on the humbug label ("a fork of
trident music, po box 2903, london n1 3ne, send a self-addressed,
stamped envelope for a catalog"). dunno about availability, but i can't
imagine why it would no longer be findable.

i haven't listened to the record that much to write about it
cohesively, but the songs on it are a well-mixed collection of styles.
the most interesting bit to me are the unusual selection of intruments
that they, in paddy bush's usual manner, make use of on the record:
aside from the ubiquitous didjeridu, paddy plays maru-vany and gonfi
harps and fujara (any know what that is?). colin lloyd tucker, somehow,
plays chinese fireworks and, less dramatically i'm sure, euphonium.
there is some singing (not sure who, but one of them sings remarkably
like david sylvian's low voice), but most of it is instrumental,
semi-ambient and has a naturalistic feel.

_O_ | 
 |< | <a href="">hai, banana-wa arimasen</a>