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Tour sandstorms

From: (Charley Darbo)
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 1996 10:02:28 -0500
Subject: Tour sandstorms
Content-Description: cc:Mail note part
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==> It was really too bad the others didn't stay -- if I remember 
==> correctly (IED?), that was the only tour where they had that wild 
==> special effect of the sandstorm they used for "the Dreaming.
==  The sand effect was from the '88 tour. 
== -- Andrew Marvick (IED)
==    S               R             I

I stand corrected.  I'm obviously confusing it with the cheesy slides-
on-a-waving-scrim sandstorm used for "Egypt" on the "Fall Out In" tour.  
Which, cheesy or not, anticipated  the similar effects used by NIN on 
their recent tours (as has been noted and debated here--let's not resume 
_that_ thread).  Kate, once again, the industry leader.

"Hide all the knives, 'cause baby's insane."            --Diamanda Galas
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