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Little Earthquakes

From: (stev0)
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 23:37:33 -0800
Subject: Little Earthquakes
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Here are reviews for the "Minor" Kate Pages; I'm not going
to rate them since they don't pretend to be comprehensive
Kate Pages, but still should be seen by the Web-traveling
KateFan, if just once or twice.

The Illustrated Collector's Guide to Kate Bush

An ad for the book of the same name.  Actually,
it is a great (if no-frills) resource for the Student of
Kateology, it's also a simple and no-frills page, with an
example of the kind of thing people used to do before
The Lovehound/ Shirt

Yes, folks, there are STILL a few of these left;
if I remember correctly only in Large (no XL); you
will want to ask IGG before verifying.

But enough gratuitous advertising - life the rest of
these, another no-frills page, run by yours truly.
All it has is a description of said shirt and how to order it,
and some photos of it.  The highlight is seeing me with
an increadibly dweebish expression.
The Red Shoes Discography:

Picks up where the discography in "The Garden" left
off.  A simple text file, but with everything and more you
could possibly want to know about the dozens of
discs this album produced.

Fruitopia Commercials Kate did the Music For:


Both have must-get Quicktime films of the one-minute
theatre trailer, containing Kate music not available
anywhere else.  The first one, for some reason, does not
credit Kate for the music.

- Stev0 the finished