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RE: Anne Archer

From: "Forward, Jonathan" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 96 08:59:00 EST
Subject: RE: Anne Archer
To: "" <>
Encoding: 32 TEXT

  >  Date: Tuesday, 16 January 1996 7:05PM
  >  speaking of films...
  >  Anne Archer IS Kate Bush
  >  no, not really but...
  >  I've seen two films with her so far ('Patriot Games' and 'Nails - A 
  >  Seeing Red') and the similarity is stunning! If you want to know, how 
  >  looks, look at Kate in the 1993 Q-magazine. Amazing. This slight 
  >  And she's a very good actress. Is she programmed to always play loving,
  >  suffering,
  >  clever wives?
  >  Do you know of any other films with her? The above are both from 1992.
  >  Please tell me!
  >  Best wishes
  >      Wieland

 She was in Narrow Margin with Gene Hackman (great film), and Fatal 
 with Michael Douglas and Glenn Close (great if you can ignore the 
 misogyny). She is indeed a fine actor and charming to watch, although I 
 see the resemblance myself (same hairdresser?).