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commercial wirh wuthering heights

From: (Deborah Levy)
Date: 16 Jan 1996 22:24:10 GMT
Subject: commercial wirh wuthering heights
Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Organization: Yale University

hey there all
	well i've never posted before but i've had a great time reading all 
that you out there have written.   Please excuse the repetition if what im 
going to say is old news....  
	i was just in spain for christmas break and one day while the tv was 
on and i wasn't paying much attention i heard a tune that i knew quite well.  
i immediately looked up from what i was doing and realized that it was 
'wuthering heights'.  it was for a perfume commercial,  i think it was called 
'Zinnia' or something like that.  well anyway it was quite short, about ten 
seconds or so, and i'm not even sure if whoever was singing (it definitely 
wasn't Kate) was singing the correct words.  it was actually quite a horrible 
rendition, in way too high an octave even for Kate, and consisted of the part 
ofthe song that goes "it's me i'm Cathy, i've come home. It's so cold, let me 
into your window...". (sorry if i dont have the words exactly :) ).
	well, just thought you'd all like to know.  have a good day.
